S is for Sacred, a dear treasure
O is for Open-minded, able to consider new perspectives
C is for Colorful, fascinating company
I is for Important, your friendship is an asset
E is for Easygoing, a breeze to get along with
T is for Tenacious, not one to give up
Y is for Yummy, so delectable
I is for Impartial, fair and unbiased
S is for Sensible, you always do the right thing
L is for Likeable, instantly pleasing
I is for Illuminating, a font of wisdom
K is for Kind, generous to people
E is for Excellent, possessing great merit
A is for Adventurous, leaping into the unknown
S is for Steady, a loyal pal
T is for Trustworthy, your word is good as gold
E is for Effervescent, bubbling with life
W is for Wacky, a loveable screwball
I is for Illustrious, bright and accomplished
F is for Fervent, strongly passionate
Y is for Yearning, a drive to succeed
O is for Optimistic, unbeaten by adversity
U is for Understanding, boundless patience
D is for Diehard, staying true to your beliefs
O is for Open-hearted, filled with generosity
N is for Noteworthy, having remarkable achivements
T is for Thoughtful, considerate towards all
S is for Serene, a calming quality
T is for Tasteful, odes of style
I is for Indefatigable, a tireless spirit
R is for Reflective, always thoughtful
I is for Impressive, an outstanding talent
T is for Terrific, so awesome
U is for Unique, you're one of a kind
P is for Peachy, a jolly fine fellow
E is for Eloquent, effortlessly articulate
V is for Visionary, a dreamer
E is for Eclectic, your interests are wide-ranging
R is for Remarkable, so exceptional
Y is for Youth, eternally young at heart
O is for Observant, keenly perceptive
N is for Neat, carefully organized
C is for Charismatic, easy is your charm
E is for Enthusiastic, ever encouraging
I is for Independent, an original thinker
N is for Nutty, full of wackiness
A is for Accomplished, endowed with talent
W is for Winsome, filled with charm
H is for Honest, so genuine
I is for Incredible, amazingly awesome
L is for Lively, the life of the party
E is for Exemplary, a class act to follow
T is for Tolerant, endless patience
H is for Honorable, full of virtue
E is for Enigmatic, deeply fascinating
N is for Noble, self-sacrificing
A is for Amazing, so inspiring
L is for Lovable, to know you is to love you
A is for Adorable, turning hearts into goo
Y is for Yearning, a thirst for experience
E is for Exuberant, a bubbly presence
R is for Reasonable, ever sensible
O is for Optimistic, always staying upbeat
F is for Fabulous, absolutely fantastic
S is for Skillful, ever up to the task
C is for Cool, you carry yourself well
U is for Ultimate, just the best
M is for Memorable, the days spent in your company
F is for Friendly, warm and approachable
L is for Light-hearted, free from worries
O is for Orderly, ever organized
A is for Active, brimming with energy
T is for Truth, living life with honesty
S is for Scintillating, you shine brilliantly
T is for Thorough, attentive to details
O is for Original, an independent thinker
T is for Tactful, ever sensitive
H is for Humorous, spreading laughter around
E is for Energetic, a buoyant personality
T is for Tantalizing, thrilling the senses
O is for Oomph, you have a magnetic draw
P is for Pensive, lost in dream