I is for Important, an asset to society
N is for Neat, carefully organized
M is for Moral, governed by ethics
Y is for Yes, always believing in yourself
M is for Magnificent, a creature of wonder
A is for Authenticity, with which you lead life
N is for Noble, self-sacrificing
Y is for Yummy, so delectable
Y is for Yearning, a drive to succeed
E is for Exciting, a thrill to be with
A is for Analytical, breaking down problems simply
R is for Reasonable, ever sensible
S is for Sensitive, keenly perceptive
I is for Independent, an original thinker
H is for Honorable, full of virtue
A is for Accomplished, endowed with talent
V is for Variety, a bag of surprises
E is for Energetic, a buoyant personality
C is for Creative, your works are most original
O is for Organized, you always have it together
M is for Memorable, the days spent in your company
E is for Excellent, of the finest character
T is for Thorough, attentive to details
O is for Original, an independent thinker
A is for Articulate, the gift of expression
C is for Clever, quick with good ideas
O is for Optimistic, always staying upbeat
N is for Noteworthy, having remarkable achivements
C is for Courageous, a brave heart
L is for Loyal, a worthy friend
U is for Unique, so very special
S is for Serene, a calming quality
I is for Inspirational, the ability to motivate
O is for Observant, keenly perceptive
N is for Noble, an honorable heart
T is for Tactful, ever sensitive
H is for Humble, never putting on airs
A is for Ambitious, full of drive
T is for Talented, gifted with ability
O is for Outstanding, excelling beyond others
N is for Nurturing, you bring out the good in people
E is for Easygoing, a breeze to get along with
U is for Unequaled, simply peerless
S is for Sincere, staying true
E is for Eclectic, your interests are wide-ranging
L is for Laidback, you have a relaxed charm
E is for Enchanting, a charming presence
S is for Savvy, skilled with know-how
S is for Skillful, ever up to the task
M is for Meticulous, careful with details
A is for Ardent, fiery passion
N is for Nice, a sweet soul
I is for Illustrious, bright and accomplished
S is for Sanguine, always looking up
A is for Athletic, bounding with energy
S is for Sensational, ever exciting
H is for Honest, trustworthy and true
A is for Articulate, you say it so well
M is for Mesmerizing, you are captivating
E is for Engaging, winning others over
T is for Tender, a gentle soul
W is for Winsome, filled with charm
O is for Obliging, willing to accommodate
I is for Important, a valuable contributor
S is for Sacred, a dear treasure
A is for Addictive, one simply can't have enough of you
L is for Leader, where you go others will follow
A is for Adorable, turning hearts into goo
W is for Whimsical, delightfully spontaneous
F is for Fabulous, absolutely fantastic
I is for Impressive, an outstanding talent
R is for Rare, you are a gem
M is for Modest, humility is your virtue
A is for Accommodating, taking care of others' needs
N is for Nutty, full of wackiness
D is for Decisive, capable of bold actions
T is for Tolerant, endless patience
H is for Humorous, sparkling wit
R is for Rational, ever logical
E is for Ethical, an upright person
E is for Enigmatic, deeply fascinating
O is for Oomph, you have a magnetic draw
R is for Reassuring, a comforting presence
M is for Meaningful, the way you lead your life
O is for Orderly, ever organized
R is for Radiant, you are a shining light
E is for Enriching, bettering others
I is for Incredible, amazingly awesome
S is for Selfless, placing others before self
A is for Affectionate, exuding warmth and tenderness
C is for Charismatic, easy is your charm
O is for Optimistic, unbeaten by adversity
N is for Noteworthy, having remarkable achivements
G is for Good-hearted, of fine moral caliber
R is for Romantic, the heart of a poet
E is for Eloquent, effortlessly articulate
S is for Spectacular, truly remarkable
S is for Satisfying, most excellent company