Pending and Refused Resources

Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.

12/10/2017 11:14

C is for Compassionate, full of empathy
R is for Remarkable, so exceptional
E is for Ethical, an upright person
A is for Abilities, for you are blessed with many
T is for Tender, a gentle soul
I is for Independent, an original thinker
V is for Victorious, you're a winner
I is for Influential, your opinion counts
T is for Thorough, attentive to details
Y is for Yes, always believing in yourself

I is for Illustrious, your achievements are numerous
S is for Savvy, skilled with know-how

A is for Admirable, commanding our respect
L is for Lovely, hearts melt in fondness of you
L is for Laidback, not sweating the small stuff
O is for Obliging, willing to accommodate
W is for Wise, you always have sage advice
I is for Innocent, pure in goodness
N is for Neat, carefully organized
G is for Good-hearted, of fine moral caliber

Y is for Youth, eternally young at heart
O is for Oomph, you have a magnetic draw
U is for Unforgettable, truly memorable
R is for Rebellious, going against the grain
S is for Sacred, a dear treasure
E is for Enthusiastic, ever encouraging
L is for Loyal, a worthy friend
F is for Fun, lively company

T is for Tactful, ever sensitive
O is for Original, an independent thinker

M is for Magnificent, a creature of wonder
A is for Analytical, solving problems with logic
K is for Knowledgeable, well-versed in matters
E is for Eclectic, your interests are wide-ranging

M is for Mature, you always know what to do
I is for Inspirational, the ability to motivate
S is for Sanguine, always looking up
T is for Terrific, so awesome
A is for Artistic, adding beauty to the world
K is for Keen, abounding with enthusiasm
E is for Earnest, ever sincere
S is for Satisfying, most excellent company

A is for Agreeable, so easy to get along with
R is for Rare, your friendship is gold
T is for Truth, living life with honesty

I is for Important, a valuable contributor
S is for Serene, a calming quality

K is for Kindred, you feel like family
N is for Nurturing, you bring out the good in people
O is for Original, pioneering in thought
W is for Winsome, filled with charm
I is for Intelligent, quickness of mind
N is for Noble, an honorable heart
G is for Grateful, ever appreciative

W is for Warm, a loving heart
H is for Honorable, morally upright
I is for Inquisitive, a curious intellect
C is for Cheerful, a joyful presence
H is for Hopeful, optimistic in the face of adversity

O is for Original, ahead of the curve
N is for Noteworthy, having remarkable achivements
E is for Efficient, succeeding at tasks
S is for Spectacular, truly remarkable

T is for Tolerant, endless patience
O is for Open-minded, receptive to new ideas

K is for Kind, you have a good heart
E is for Entertaining, a bundle of fun
E is for Exemplary, a class act to follow
P is for Passionate, in all your pursuits

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