C is for Cute, absolutely adorable
I is for Incredible, amazingly awesome
V is for Vital, so important and loved
I is for Innocent, pure in goodness
L is for Laidback, you have a relaxed charm
I is for Illuminating, a fount of knowledge
Z is for Zippy, living at breakneck speed
A is for Approachable, people turn to you for help
T is for Tolerant, endless patience
I is for Illuminating, a font of wisdom
O is for Outstanding, noteworthy and impressive
N is for Neat, carefully organized
I is for Impressive, an outstanding talent
S is for Sincere, staying true
A is for Accomplished, endowed with talent
M is for Magical, you make the impossible happen
E is for Easygoing, a breeze to get along with
T is for Thoughtful, considerate towards all
H is for Heady, intoxicating company
O is for Open-minded, receptive to new ideas
D is for Dreamy, so gorgeous
O is for Organized, you always have it together
F is for Fun, lively company
L is for Likeable, instantly pleasing
I is for Inquisitive, a curious intellect
V is for Valiant, possessing bravery
I is for Inventive, full of creative solutions
N is for Nice, a sweet soul
G is for Grateful, ever appreciative
A is for Awesome, a most inspiring person
N is for Nurturing, you bring out the good in people
A is for Affectionate, exuding warmth and tenderness
T is for Tantalizing, thrilling the senses
T is for Tactful, ever sensitive
I is for Important, a valuable contributor
T is for Tender, a gentle soul
U is for Unequaled, simply peerless
D is for Devout, of strong faith
E is for Excellent, of the finest character
O is for Original, pioneering in thought
F is for Fine, of excellent character
E is for Enthusiastic, ever encouraging
Q is for Qualified, always competent
U is for Upbeat, there's a spring in your step
A is for Authenticity, with which you lead life
L is for Lovable, to know you is to love you
R is for Receptive, an open mind
E is for Efficient, succeeding at tasks
S is for Savvy, skilled with know-how
P is for Perceptive, keenly insightful
E is for Excellent, possessing great merit
C is for Cooperative, your support is a great asset
T is for Trustworthy, your word is good as gold
F is for Fervent, strongly passionate
O is for Open-minded, able to consider new perspectives
R is for Romantic, the heart of a poet
A is for Active, brimming with energy
L is for Light-hearted, free from worries
L is for Lionhearted, a brave soul
M is for Meticulous, careful with details
E is for Exemplary, a class act to follow
N is for Nutty, full of wackiness