Pending and Refused Resources
Article archive
12/10/2017 11:17
D is for Desirable, so very attractive
E is for Energetic, a buoyant personality
C is for Courteous, having fine manners
I is for Influential, your opinion counts
S is for Spectacular, truly remarkable
I is for Independent, an original thinker
O is for Open-minded, receptive to new ideas
N is for...
12/10/2017 11:15
T is for Tenacious, not one to give up
H is for Honorable, full of virtue
E is for Exceptional, simply the best
B is for Beaming, so joyful
E is for Engaging, winning others over
S is for Selfless, placing others before self
T is for Trustworthy, your word is good as gold
W is for Wacky, a unique...
12/10/2017 11:14
C is for Compassionate, full of empathy
R is for Remarkable, so exceptional
E is for Ethical, an upright person
A is for Abilities, for you are blessed with many
T is for Tender, a gentle soul
I is for Independent, an original thinker
V is for Victorious, you're a winner
I is for Influential, your...
12/10/2017 11:13
Y is for Yearning, a thirst for experience
O is for Open-minded, receptive to new ideas
U is for Unassuming, ever humble
C is for Creative, your works are most original
A is for Adorable, turning hearts into goo
N is for Nutty, full of wackiness
N is for Noble, self-sacrificing
E is for...
12/10/2017 11:12
T is for Thorough, attentive to details
H is for Humorous, sparkling wit
E is for Engaging, winning others over
C is for Creative, your works are most original
R is for Reasonable, ever sensible
E is for Enigmatic, deeply fascinating
A is for Amiable, so pleasant to be with
T is for Thoughtful,...
12/10/2017 11:11
N is for Nice, a sweet soul
O is for Orderly, ever organized
T is for Tenacious, not one to give up
H is for Honorable, full of virtue
I is for Important, your friendship is an asset
N is for Noble, an honorable heart
G is for Grateful, ever appreciative
I is for Immaculate, striving for...
12/10/2017 11:09
N is for Noteworthy, having remarkable achivements
E is for Enriching, bettering others
E is for Essential, you are important to us
D is for Dependable, a worthy friend
I is for Important, a valuable contributor
N is for Noble, an honorable heart
G is for Grateful, ever appreciative
S is for...
12/10/2017 11:08
M is for Maverick, a trail blazer
E is for Elegant, of refined style
N is for Neat, carefully organized
L is for Lovely, hearts melt in fondness of you
I is for Inspirational, the ability to motivate
V is for Versed, so knowledgeable
E is for Energetic, a buoyant personality
I is for...
12/10/2017 11:04
I is for Illustrious, bright and accomplished
F is for Funky, thoroughly cool
T is for Truth, living life with honesty
H is for Hopeful, optimistic in the face of adversity
E is for Exciting, a thrill to be with
R is for Radical, overthrowing norms
E is for Excellent, possessing great merit
A is...
12/10/2017 11:00
I is for Interesting, truly fascinating
T is for Tantalizing, thrilling the senses
S is for Selfless, placing others before self
E is for Essential, you are important to us
E is for Effervescent, bubbling with life
M is for Meticulous, careful with details
S is for Sensible, you always do the...